“Your local family run dental practice – building trust and forming relationships with our patients for life.”
“Your local family run dental practice – building trust and forming relationships with our patients for life.”
We can typically provide same day appointments – for both regular and emergency appointments.
Dental Examination (c.40 mins check-up, dental review and upto two x-rays) | £59 |
Hygienist Clean – Standard (Dental hygiene session includes scale and polish) | £85 |
Hygienist Clean – Platinum (Scale and polish, deep clean and localised stain removal) | £135 |
Emergency Appointment (Targeted consultation to deal with a single issue. Treatment fee extra) | £65 |
White Fillings (price varies by size and complexity of filling) | from £160 |
Digital x-ray | £10 |
Extractions (price is per tooth and depends on tooth and complexity) | from £110 |
Extractions – Surgical / Complex (price is per tooth and depends on tooth and complexity) | from £200 |
Gum Disease Treatment (perio scaling) | from £100 |
Root Canal Treatment - Anterior (price is per tooth and depends on complexity) | from £345 |
Root Canal Treatment - Pre-Molar (price is per tooth and depends on complexity) | from £425 |
Root Canal Treatment - Molar (price is per tooth and depends on complexity) | from £500 |
Crowns (prices are per unit and depend on material selected) | from £525 |
Bridges (prices are per unit and depend on material selected) | from £525 |
Denture – Partial (price depends on material selected) | from £350 |
Denture - Lower / Upper (price depends on material selected) | from £695 |
Nightguard | from £135 |
Mouthguard | from £150 |
Prescription | £15 |
Chip Repair | from £100 |