Benefits of Teeth Whitening

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cosmetic dentist teeth whitening in london | Whites Dental

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening and Dentistry in London

Teeth whitening is one of the most common and popular cosmetic dentistry treatments in the world. Adult men and women in London are increasingly finding professional teeth whitening beneficial as well. At Whites Dental, we offer a full range of professional teeth whitening solutions for patients in Central London. If you have stained teeth and want to whiten and brighten your smile, why not speak to one of our friendly reception team to setup a cosmetic appointment with one of our cosmetic dentists.

Having a smile that you can feel proud of can be a real confidence booster. A number of adult patients come to us to make changes to their smile that will enable them to feel nicer about themselves and more confident about their teeth and smile. One of the most popular and easiest cosmetic options that will make a major difference to your smile and teeth is to whiten or lighten the shade of your teeth. Only a few number of people are fortunate to be blessed with shiny white naturally teeth; for the rest of us, a little bit of help and assistance is needed to brighten the shade of their teeth, alongside some small minor changes to lifestyle choices, to help bring about a bright, radiant white smile. Let’s discuss the various steps you can take to brighten your smile.

Reduce Staining after whitening

Lifestyle Modifications

Make minor modifications to lifestyle choices – You can do a number of day to day things to reduce the likelihood of staining or discoloring your teeth. One of the biggest factors that contribute towards staining your teeth is smoking. Smoking plays a major part in discolouring teeth and many doctors recommend giving it up for wider health-benefit reasons as well.

benefits of teeth whitening cosmetic dentistry london cosmetic dentist in london | Whites Dental

Eating similar tobacco products also plays a significant factor in staining the teeth. In addition, certain foods and drinks also play a role in discoloring teeth. Tea, coffee, red wine and fizzy drinks all cause your teeth to eventually stain with time.

You don’t need to stop drinking these drinks completely; however, moderating their intake can have a material impact on maintaining the color of your teeth.

Maintain good oral hygiene – Looking after your teeth and gums by maintaining good oral hygiene goes a long way in keeping your teeth clean, removing stains before they become permanent and preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Brushing twice a day, sometimes even after meals and regular flossing are really important to maintain good oral hygiene. Regular visits to the hygienist to get your teeth cleaned professionally will help keep tartar at bay. In addition, you can also consider using tooth whitening toothpastes as part of your oral hygiene routine. They can help maintain your clean smile to stay white

Advantages of Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening – For some people unfortunately, despite maintaining good oral hygiene and making appropriate lifestyle choices, teeth still end up not as white as they could be. Sometimes, certain things may just be out of our control. All of us have a certain natural tooth color and this color is different from one person to the next. So it’s possible that your teeth may just have less ‘white’ to begin with. Also, sometimes, as you age, you can develop cracks in your teeth. Certain medications such as some antibiotics can also discolour teeth, darkening them over time. As you can see, a number of factors can contribute to teeth not looking as white as they could be – for no fault of yours.

For circumstances such as these, professional teeth whitening can really help improve the brightness of your teeth and smile. A number of teeth whitening brands are prevalent in the market today; it can become a little difficult for the ordinary person to determine one from the other. We will attempt to simplify it for you. Teeth whitening systems mostly come in two forms – home teeth whitening and in-surgery teeth whitening. Almost all brands fall into one of the above two categories. Brands then differ based on the concentration of the teeth whitening gel they use to whiten teeth.

cosmetic dentist teeth whitening london waterloo | Whites Dental

What is the best teeth whitening product on the market?

In our experience, we find Zoom teeth whitening to be an effective and affordable treatment for most people. Its home whitening system is very popular with patients for the results it provides at a very affordable price. Zoom also offers an Instant, in-surgery options, wherein a patient can whiten their teeth in less than 2 hours right at the dental practice.

This option is a little more expensive, however, on the flip side, it’s also very quick. The second very popular brand is Enlighten whitening. It’s positioned towards the premium end of the market and is mostly a home whitening system. Because Enlighten guarantees to whiten your teeth, many of our patient’s don’t mind paying a little extra for the guaranteed whitening that Enlighten provides.

Tooth whitening is a very popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that provides excellent results. If you are interested in whitening your teeth or want to find out more, call our friendly reception team to book a cosmetic consultation. Or call us on 0208 616 0590. Whether you have slightly stained teeth or significant staining, the Whites Dental cosmetic dentistry team is here to help support you through your journey to a whiter and brighter smile. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about teeth whitening. For further information on teeth whitening and how Zoom Whitening and Enlighten Whitening can help whiten your smile, please take a look at our Teeth Whitening page to compare Philips and Enlighten products.

At Whites Dental, our dentists are passionate about providing every patient the best cosmetic dentistry experience possible. Our entire team is fully committed to help provide you with a whiter brighter smile. We provide a full range of tooth whitening treatments such as Zoom home whitening, Zoom instant LED (laser) teeth whitening and Enlighten whitening. We are conveniently located in London Waterloo, adjacent to Southwark tube station and Marble Arch near Kensignton. We are also a quick 5-10 minutes’ walk from Elephant and Castle, London Bridge, Southbank and Borough Market.

For more detailed information on the costs of teeth whitening – you are welcome to explore our website or arrange an appointment to visit one of clinics – easily accessible from the above locations in London.

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