Whites Dental - Dentist In London Waterloo SE1 mobile

Boots Dental Insurance Cover Dentist

London Waterloo

Example Icon 0208 616 0590

Example Icon 172 Blackfriars Rd, London SE1 8ER

London Marble Arch

Example Icon 0203 576 2325

Example Icon 52B Kendal St, St George's Fields, London W2 2BP

We Accept All Major Dental Insurances

We accept all major UK dental insurances. AXA PPP Healthcare Dental Cover, Aviva Dental Insurance, BUPA Dental Cover, CIGNA Dental Insurance, Denplan, Vitality Dental Health Insurance, Westfield Health, WAP Dental Insurance Cover, Boots Dental Plan Cover.

Premium Cover Via Boots Dental Plan

The Boots Level 2 dental plan offers coverage for both NHS and private dental treatments. It includes routine dental treatment up to £1000, emergency dental treatment up to £1500, hospital cash benefit up to £5000, and oral cancer cash benefit up to £10,000. This plan is ideal for individuals who want access to a wider range of dental services and higher contribution limits compared to the Level 1 plan. Let me know if you have any other questions about Boots Dental Insurance!

Whilst there are some restrictions in place in terms of the time of taking the policy and getting a treatment, generally it provides a range of simple to use policies and provides a claim payout based upon set fees per treatment – these are available to view online within the policy details download.

It will also pay 100% of any NHS dental costs.

Other Boots Dental Plans

There are also two other dental plans available via Boots a ‘core’ plan which provides upto £500 in cover and offers basic protection from unexpected bills, this is likely more suitable for younger people. They also offer a level 1 plan which offers the same claim amounts as level 2 per treatment – however, the total claimable per year is lower across all categories of claim – routine, emergency/accident, cancer etc.

Booking Treatment Outside Of Cover

If you are looking for a treatment that is excluded by your policy, whether this be through timing, pre-existing conditions or a desire to get a treatment that is not classed as clinical need – Whites Dental can help through their 0% dental finance, allowing you to pay affordable monthly sums for your treatment.

**this information was correct at time of publishing.

Dental Services

General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Directions To Our Clinics In Central London
Whites Dental Locations

Getting to Our Dental Clinics

With two clinics in Central London, and online, virtual consultations, getting to see our dental team, receiving expert advice and attending your appointments is made as easy as possible.

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Marble Arch Dental Clinic

Directions from Marble Arch station alternatively Directions from Edgware Road to our Marble Arch clinic – a quick 8-10 min walk from either station.

Waterloo Dental Clinic

Directions from Southwark Station or alternatively the larger station, Waterloo is easy to get to our Blackfriars Road clinic just 3 mins from Southwark and under ten from Waterloo.