Discover the Benefits of Invisalign: A Comprehensive Guide to Teeth Straightening

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Discover the Benefits of Invisalign: A Comprehensive Guide to Teeth Straightening
Discover the Benefits of Invisalign: A Comprehensive Guide to Teeth Straightening

Invisalign treatment is one of the most effective teeth straightening methods available. There are many reasons why people wish to straighten their crooked or misaligned teeth. But more often than not the thought of chunky, metal braces puts them off pursuing orthodontic treatment.

If you’ve always wanted straight teeth and that perfect Hollywood smile but you’ve never liked the thought of traditional braces, this article is for you. We discuss the benefits of Invisalign and provide a comprehensive teeth straightening guide so you know what to expect from this form of cosmetic treatment.

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign treatment is a discreet yet effective way to straighten your teeth. The process involves using a series of clear plastic trays called Invisalign Aligners. These are custom-made to fit your teeth so they can be straightened over time.

You will receive a new set of aligners every 2 weeks to keep your teeth in position and to ensure the aligners remain tight-fitting and effective. Well-fitting aligners will keep your teeth straightening until they reach their final desired position.

Of course, your treatment progress will be closely monitored by our orthodontic team at Whites Dental and we will make any adjustments as/when they are needed.

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

Depending on your orthodontic needs, the Invisalign process can take anywhere from 3-18 months. Thankfully, Invisalign treatment is very discreet as the aligners are completely transparent. So, you can wear them all day and night (removing them when you eat and drink anything other than water) without anyone noticing.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

When you choose to undergo Invisalign treatment at Whites Dental, you have the option of paying for your treatment in monthly instalments – anywhere from 12 to 60 months, making treatment affordable and accessible. If you would like to discuss an Invisalign finance plan with us, get in touch to find out more.

How Does Invisalign Work?

So, how does Invisalign actually work? Well, the treatment uses a series of aligners customised to fit your teeth in order to move them into their desired position effectively.

Each set of aligners must be worn for 1-2 weeks before being replaced with the next pair in the series. This process will be repeated until your teeth have reached the correct position.

Is Invisalign Painful?

As with any orthodontic treatment, one of the most common questions we get asked is whether Invisalign is painful. And the great news is that it’s mostly pain free.

The only discomfort you might experience during treatment is the gentle force the retainers place on your teeth. This pressure forces your teeth to move into the desired places, and so it can feel a little tight or achy. However, as your teeth move any discomfort quickly reduces.

What’s more, because the aligners themselves are made from a medical-grade polyurethane plastic you are unlikely to experience any irritation to your cheeks and gums (which is possible when you wear traditional metal braces).

How Often Should You Wear Invisalign?

In order to achieve the most effective results, you must wear your Invisalign aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day. This means wearing them constantly during the night and only removing them during the day when you’re eating or drinking anything other than water. Of course, you should also remove your aligners when brushing and flossing your teeth (which should be done twice a day).

While it can feel like a lot of effort to wear aligners for long periods of time, the more dedicated you are to your treatment plan, the better your results will be.

The Benefits of Invisalign

  • Discreet
  • Easily removable
  • See virtual results before commending treatment
  • Maintain good oral hygiene easily
  • No food or dietary restrictions
  • Shorter and fewer appointments
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Highly accurate results

Signs Invisalign is the Right Treatment Option for You

You may be wondering whether Invisalign is the right treatment option for you. Although there are many benefits to Invisalign, it isn’t always suitable for everyone. Here are some of the problems Invisalign can fix and why it might be the right option for you:

Overbite: having an overbite means the teeth of your upper jaw are further out than the teeth of your lower jaw, overlapping when your mouth is closed. Having an overbite can be problematic, leading to issues such as excessive tooth-wearing and jaw pain.

Cross Bite: the opposite of an overbite is an underbite. This is when the teeth of your upper jaw sit inside the teeth of your lower jaw when your mouth is closed. It often means the jaw position is too far forward. Therefore, you may experience issues with chewing and excessive teeth-wear.

Open Bite: an open bite means the teeth of your upper and lower jaw do not touch even when the mouth is closed. This problem is often genetic and one that makes it difficult to bite into, and chew food.

Gapped Teeth: while gapped teeth have seen huge popularity in the modelling industry, some people feel self-conscious about the gaps in their teeth. What’s more, food can become trapped in the gaps which can lead to an increase in the likelihood of gum disease.

Crowded Teeth: this is a common problem that occurs when a person has ‘too many’ teeth in their mouth and there isn’t enough room for their teeth to comfortably sit on their jaw. This can lead to teeth becoming crooked and sitting behind or in front of other teeth. Crowded teeth can make it difficult to maintain effective oral hygiene, causing issues such as gum disease, discolouration, and tooth decay.

Signs Invisalign is Not the Right Treatment Option for You

Unfortunately, Invisalign treatment is not suitable for you if:

  • You require tooth extractions
  • You have severely misshapen teeth
  • Your teeth are severely rotated, misaligned, or overcrowded
  • You are suffering from active gum disease
  • You have poor oral hygiene
  • You have cavities and/of tooth decay
  • You cannot commit to proper oral care and hygiene

Final Words

Invisalign is one of the most popular teeth straightening treatments available. Whether you want to straighten your crooked teeth or perfect the shape and look of your smile, Invisalign could be the perfect solution for you.

Get in touch with us to book your initial consultation. We can discuss your requirements and create a treatment plan bespoke to your needs.

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