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The best Advice On Braces in London

Get all the answers on getting teeth braces

Advice on Braces. London

London Waterloo

Example Icon 0208 616 0590

Example Icon 172 Blackfriars Rd, London SE1 8ER

London Marble Arch

Example Icon 0203 576 2325

Example Icon 52B Kendal St, St George's Fields, London W2 2BP

Braces Duration and Speed

Take a look into the quickest treatment times for fixed braces and other options.

Braces are often the most suitable treatment for many different Types of Malocclusions.

Often the main interest is in the minimum time and shortest time to have braces – additionally, we are often asked for the fastest braces

The answer here is very much dependent on the above factors and a consultation is the best initial step towards finalising the type of braces treatment, if you are looking for answers or comparisons on Invisalign treatments – we are happy to discuss with you whether Invisalign is faster than braces? For your specific circumstances.

Additional Information:
Shortest time to have fixed braces
How long do braces take?
Can you request to remove braces early?
Is Invisalign faster than braces?

Metal Braces - Dr Sihem - orthodontist in London

Different Types of Braces.

A comparison of various types of braces, including ceramic, metal, clear, and removable options.

Dr Kiren creating a treatment plan for braces at our London clinic

Braces for Adults

Adult-Specific Information
Find out more about adult braces and how best to straighten your teeth as an adult.

Adult Braces - Metal braces - cost effective treatment in London 2

Braces Cost

Cost Comparisons
Compare the costs of different braces options, including fixed braces and Invisalign.

Braces Side Effects And Concerns

Impact on Teeth and Face

Braces can alter both the teeth and face. Wearing braces for too long can have detrimental effects, such as root resorption, where the roots of your teeth shorten. Some people worry that braces may permanently change their facial structure or weaken their teeth, but in most cases, braces lead to improved facial symmetry and healthier alignment, this intrinsically strengthens teeth.


Do train track braces bring your teeth downwards?

Braces apply controlled pressure to move teeth. Train track braces (traditional metal braces) don’t pull teeth downwards; they reposition teeth according to a predetermined plan to align the bite. The question likely arises from the sensation of pressure during orthodontic treatment and the visible design of the braces, which can make it feel as though the teeth are being pulled in specific directions. In reality, braces apply controlled pressure to move teeth in all directions to achieve proper alignment, not just downwards. Some vertical adjustments are part of correcting bite issues like overbites, which might contribute to this misconception. Any discomfort or sensitivity felt during the early stages of braces is temporary and part of the overall movement process.

Do braces weaken teeth?

Braces don’t weaken teeth when properly managed. However, if oral hygiene isn’t maintained, the risk of plaque buildup, cavities, and even gum disease increases, potentially affecting the health of teeth.


For more information, or to learn more about the side effects of braces you are welcome to contact us directly, or arrange a free online consultation.

Pain and Discomfort

Braces can cause discomfort, especially in the first few days after tightening or getting new aligners. However, this is usually temporary.

Cost Of Correcting A Gappy Smile Corrected With Veneers In London - See Our Before After Results

Before and After Braces

Discover our many happy patients who have received braces treatment from our London Dental Clinics.

Maintenance And Care

Brushing and Cleaning

Keeping your teeth clean while wearing braces is essential to prevent plaque buildup and avoid staining around the brackets. Also many people ask about whether they can drink coffee while wearing braces, this is a valid question, due to the staining that can occur, similar issues are true of red wine and taking actions such as drinking water and a slight change of habits will allow for a  moderate amount of either to still be taken.

By using these specialised tools and techniques, you can maintain good oral hygiene throughout your orthodontic treatment and avoid problems like staining, bad breath, and decay. It is for these reasons – poor oral hygiene – that bad breath occurs and give rise to concerns about braces making your breath stink. Food particles can get trapped between the brackets and wires. Regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash can help avoid this.

Process and Effectiveness

How Braces Work

Braces work by applying continuous pressure to move teeth over time. The exact timeline depends on the severity of the case. You should get a sensation and feel teeth shifting with braces as the brackets start to gently re-align the teeth.

Directions To Our London Clinics

Discover our clinics and some of the best orthodontists in town – if you are looking for a dentist to fit braces in London – choose Whites Dental for experience, satisfaction, results and a friendly, welcoming clinic at Waterloo and Marble Arch.

Aesthetic Concerns

Appearance with Braces

Braces may impact speech, especially when first installed. However, these effects usually diminish as you adjust. However, the process of a braces treatment is an ongoing process over a period of months and your orthodontist at Whites Dental is approachable and on hand to provide advice or adjustment if you are experiencing any issues.

Prefer A Video Consult?

Invisible Braces in London Waterloo | Whites Dental

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Free Video Consultation

We will usually reply within 24 hours to book you for a free video consult with Dr Elliot. He will provide you a cost and duration during the consult.

Attend a free composite bonding consultation at our practice in London


We will book you for an appointment at the practice, where we will take impressions and create a treatment plan for you.

Common Questions