Do You Get Veneers On Every Tooth?

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Do You Get Veneers On Every Tooth?



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Repairing the look of your teeth with veneers

Do you have some teeth that aren’t as straight as you’d like? Do you have gaps in between your teeth that you would like to repair? If so, we can use porcelain veneers to improve the alignment, spacing, and overall appearance of your teeth. Porcelain and composite veneers are increasingly becoming popular with young men and women in London wanting to improve their smile and restore their confidence. At Whites Dental we provide a full range of cosmetic dentistry treatments in London – porcelain veneerscomposite veneers, and the super-thin veneers Lumineers, we also offer tooth bonding and smile alignment. We are based in London Waterloo, and London Marble Arch and our dental team are always on have to provide advice on veneers for those of you considering the treatment, either as a first time or to replace old, worn or cracked veneers.

When veneers are suitable?

Dental veneers are wafer thin, tooth-coloured shells that are bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They’re often made from porcelain or resin-composite materials and are permanently adhered to your teeth. Dental veneers are often used by cosmetic dentists to treat a wide range of cosmetic concerns, including broken, chipped, discoloured, misaligned and even teeth that are smaller than average. Some patients ask the cosmetic dentist to only apply one veneer on a single tooth in the case of a chipped or broken tooth, but many patients often have between six to eight veneers in order to create an beautiful, even, symmetrical smile. The top front eight teeth are the most common areas where veneers are applied.

If you feel self-conscious about your teeth and smile, dental veneers may be one of the first cosmetic dentistry procedures that come to mind. They’re often common in patients who have sensitive teeth, worn enamel or teeth stains. However, they do not treat tooth pain. However, not all of your teeth need veneers in order to combat dental pain and achieve a winning smile. The best solution for you will depend on the condition of your teeth. It’s most common for front teeth to need veneers, so if you’re looking to protect and improve your smile, start by asking your dentist about your ‘social six’ top and bottom front teeth. These ‘social six’ are the teeth that others will notice when you smile, their appearance will therefore likely matter the most to you!

Determining which teeth need veneers?

Dental veneers are thin covers that help reinforce your teeth and protect them from further wear and tear. Tooth-coloured veneer are especially suited to your individual smile. Tooth enamel is tough and can often last decades with proper care and regular dental visits for cleanings and dental exams. However, sometimes that enamel becomes worn down, especially if acidic foods or other damaging agents that frequently come into contact with your teeth. While it is certainly good to maintain regular brushing and flossing, sometimes that isn’t enough to achieve the smile you want. Other factors like tooth infections, gum infection, and cracks can cause tooth decay that leaves your teeth damaged.

Veneers need to be custom fitted by a cosmetic dentist and require careful tooth preparation. While some other whitening methods are temporary, veneers are an irreversible cosmetic dental solution. First, the dentist will examine your teeth in order to determine the extent of damage before removing 0.3-0.7 mm of enamel from surface of the tooth. The dentist will take impressions of the teeth so the veneers can be fabricated precisely at a dental lab. Not all of your teeth will need veneers. It’s useful to note that teeth that are well-shaped, healthy and not very worn-down won’t benefit that much from dental veneers, but you and your dentist can determine exactly how many of your teeth need veneers to improve your smile.

What are the benefits of dental veneers?

The biggest benefit to veneers is improving the appearance of your teeth as well as giving you a brighter and more even smile. Dental veneers are often used to treat the following cosmetic occurrences:

Veneers can last for more than a decade, depending on the type of veneer you choose, making them a semi-permanent investment that can make you more confident in your smile.

Front teeth, especially top teeth often have veneers

Front teeth, especially top teeth, commonly receive veneers. Your teeth farther back, such as your wisdom teeth, will likely not need veneer. This is done partly for cosmetic reasons, as your front teeth are most visible to others. Chips, cracks, and stains that are visible can easily be masked by a row of veneer. To help make dental veneer look natural, it’s common for the cosmetic dentist to place six or more veneers across your front teeth. You can also use this opportunity to get veneers that improve the overall shape of your smile.

Sometimes veneers are placed for more than just cosmetic reasons. Since they act as a shield, veneer can help with temperature sensitivity. This is especially effective on teeth where the enamel has become worn due to physical damage or chemical wear from acidic foods and drinks. Veneers are the most effective whitening option for purely cosmetic options. Home remedies and in-office whitening options only offer temporary relief. Veneer are a porcelain or ceramic white shell that make your teeth appear brighter and healthier. Veneers cost much less than teeth whitening in the long run. Since they are a permanent solution you will not have to pay for repeat visits in order to re-whiten your teeth.

How to take care of your veneers after they’re placed

Unlike other dental procedures, the recovery process doesn’t take a lengthy amount of time. Instead, once the veneers are cemented on and any anaesthetics wear off, you can eat and chew as you normally would. While the anaesthetic is wearing off, be conscious of not chewing on your cheeks or tongue. In some cases, immediately after the veneer are applied, you may notice that they feel a little rough. These rough spots (usually from extra cement that can bond to the veneer) wear down after several days of normal eating and teeth brushing; if they don’t, your dentist can smooth them out.

Traditional porcelain veneers typically often last between 10 to 15 years, and no-prep veneers usually last around 5 to 7 years. Taking certain precautions can help make sure that you get the longest lifespan out of them possible. These precautions include:

Are you thinking of exploring the option of placing porcelain veneers on one or more of your teeth? Then make an appointment with one of our leading cosmetic dentists here at Whites Dental. We look forward to talking about how veneers can create a truly beautiful smile. You can also find more information

on veneers on our homepage–

At Whites Dental, we have some of the leading cosmetic dentists in London working with usproviding composite bonding, professional tooth whitening, porcelain veneer and composite veneer procedures to patients near us in London Waterloo, Southwark, Elephant and Castle and London Bridge. This page provides information on whether you can get veneers on every tooth. We are based in London Waterloo, right across the road from Southwark Tube station and very close to London Waterloo rail station. We are a six to nine minutes’ walk from Elephant and Castle underground station, London Bridge, Borough and a four to six minutes’ walk from Blackfriars station and Southbank.