What is the fastest Orthodontic treatment for teeth alignment?

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What is the fastest Orthodontic Treatment?

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little as £4/day.

Which Orthodontic Treatment is Right For You?

Quick and discreet brace options available

“Traditional dental braces that remain fixed to the front surface of your teeth. Made of either metal or ceramic material.”

“Removable braces employ plastic trays or aligners to straighten your teeth discreetly. Virtually invisible braces.”

“Most common type of braces usually made of stainless steel. Very effective at straightening teeth. Cost effective treatment.”

“Similar to metal braces, but the brackets are made of ceramic tooth coloured material. More discreet and more popular with adults. Also called clear braces.”

Prefer Invisalign Braces?

Virtually Invisible Braces

We Are One of London’s Leading
Teeth Alignment Clinics

25+ years experience creating beautiful smiles
2200+ braces cases

Before & After




“Gappy smile corrected with
orthodontic braces”




“Overlapping twisted teeth corrected using braces & composite bonding.”




“Twisted and irregular teeth corrected using braces & composite bonding.”

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Orthodontic Treatments in London

What’s the fastest or quickest way to achieve Teeth Straightening in London? This is a frequently asked question by many of our orthodontic patients. After finally biting the bullet and deciding to make a change to their smile, many people in London are troubled by the time it can potentially take to achieve their straighter dream smile.  Our orthodontics team at Whites Dental in London Waterloo will be happy to provide advice and answer any questions you may have regarding orthodontic braces.

To start, we must mention that answering the above question is not that straightforward. There are many things to consider when it comes to straightening your teeth, especially given every person’s mouth is different. Your orthodontist will need to first complete a thorough examination. Then, he/she can utilise their experience and expertise to guide you to the most effective teeth straightening treatment option for your individual situation. Orthodontic braces are a good solution to straighten and move your teeth, improve how your teeth look and also how they work. Fixed braces can also help you with the long-term health of your teeth and gums as well as making eating more comfortable, by spreading the biting pressure across all your teeth. Braces work by gradually applying pressure on the teeth, to slowly shift them in the right direction.“What is the fastest way to straighten teeth?” – the results will be different person to person due to a number of factors such as bone density, misalignment severity, and even the age of the patient as well as the type of braces you are going for. However, having said that you should start observing changes within four to six weeks. Each time you get your braces tightened or switch to a new Invisalign tray, your teeth will become straighter and straighter. Depending on how crooked your teeth were at the beginning of your treatment, it can take a few years for the braces process to be finished. However, you will start enjoying straighter and straighter teeth as time goes by. There are also options such as Fastbraces that offer a much quicker process for those with the appropriate correction requirements.

Complex cases take longer- No two cases are the same but some treatments are simpler than others. The minimum time to wear braces can be as short as a few months to repair a simple issue such as a crooked tooth or spacing issue to lengthier time as some adults have more complex cases with many problems to treat.Adults are often shocked to hear that braces can not only correct their crooked teeth but can also fix other related dental problems such as bone and gum loss, uneven wear of tooth enamel, headaches, tooth decay and jaw pain. Complex cases can take 36 months or longer for all teeth to be in the wanted position.

The Type of Braces Affects Treatment Time

The length of treatment with braces varies depending on the orthodontic treatment used. Braces can be metal, ceramic or lingual.
However, before we explain the teeth straightening process, we want to prepare you with a more comprehensive understanding of how the teeth move inside the jawbone.

How Do Teeth Move Inside the Jawbone?

The way the mouth attains tooth movement is quite incredible. It is a complex process that involves many different cells, tissues, and cell signalling substances. When we apply force to the teeth by using metal braces or aligners, the cells in the bone and tissues surrounding the root are driven to act. All the changes to a person’s biology take time and will be different from one patient to another. It is important to note that pushing and accelerating the movement of teeth can result with an unfavourable effect where the teeth stop moving entirely. This can result in severe damage to the roots and surrounding tissues. As professionals, we have to put our patients’ well-being and best interest ahead of requests for the quickest teeth straightening process.  With this in mind, let’s have a look at the other teeth straightening options available.Lingual Braces: Lingual braces are placed on the inside of your teeth rather than the outside are a popular option for adults as they are virtually invisible to other people. It is normal for lingual braces to take longer to treat an orthodontic problem. Your orthodontist will scan your teeth so individual brackets can be made in a dental laboratory to fit each tooth. Patients who opt for lingual braces should also be prepared to attend more appointments for longer periods to check on progress and make adjustments.

Teeth Straightening Options method comprises of ligature elastic, arch wire, brackets, and bonding material. Once the metal braces are attached to the teeth, it can take between 5 months and a few years to

Metal braces:  This conventional teeth straightening achieve desired results. The teeth straightening time often depends on the severity of the person’s situation. However, it’s worth mentioning that metal braces are typically less costly compared to other teeth-straightening techniques.Invisalign: It is one of the more popular treatment options chosen by adults these days. Your dentist near me  will measure your teeth and create custom design aligners. Roughly every 10 to 14 days, the aligners are changed and the process is repeated until the teeth are straightened. Since these aligners are made from clear plastic, they are less noticeable to others, so adults feel less conscious about wearing them. Treatment with Invisalign typically takes 12 months, although it could take less or could take more depending on the severity of your case.

If you are considering braces and would like to know how long you can expect treatment to last, book a free consultation with us. Our amazing and dedicated dental team would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

For more details regarding on teeth straightening braces, why not see our orthodontics homepage At Whites Dental, we work with some of the best teeth alignment experts in London, providing orthodontic braces to adults and children. This page provides information on what is the fastest way to straighten teeth.