What are the side effects of braces?

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Side effects of orthodontic braces

Orthodontic braces treatment in London has come a long way over the decades and can provide you with some amazing smile transformations. However, as much as orthodontics has come a long way over the years, it also came with a few side effects as well. Our wonderful dental team here at Whites Dental would be thrilled to be a part of your orthodontic smile transformation. We provide a wide variety of braces treatments including Ceramic braces, Invisalign braces, Damon Fastbraces, clear braces and lingual braces. We are conveniently based in London Waterloo, adjacent to Southwark Station or a quick walk from London Bridge.

In this article, we will be discussing some of the side effects of getting braces.

Damaged Tooth Root

Each tooth comes in 2 different parts- the ‘crown’ portion that is visible as the white part in the mouth and is used to chew and bite. And the ‘root’ part that is found below the crown and anchors the tooth into the socket inside the bone. This bone part is covered by gums. When your orthodontist tightens your braces, they apply forces on your teeth to bring about their movement. It is the root portion of the tooth that is moving, as your bone changes shape to make room for it. This movement of the tooth leads to erosion of the roots and is a normal sequel of orthodontic treatment. However, when forces in excess of what a tooth can tolerate are applied to it, this root erosion increases. In many cases, root erosion causes tooth damage and can even cause the death of the tooth.


About 70-95% of orthodontic patients experience pain at least once, during their brace’s treatment. Whenever your doctor tightens the wires in braces to apply forces on your teeth, it leads to some discomfort in your teeth, which may be interpreted in the range of pressure to pain.  When excessive forces are applied, it can cause severe pain. In fact, in some cases, the pain is so much that the patients are unable to tolerate it and it causes them to discontinue their treatment midway.

What are the side effects of braces orthodontist in london | Whites Dental

While it may be a limiting factor to some patients, many orthodontists advise them to take pain killers to relieve the pain.

Tooth Death

Orthodontic tooth alignment using braces can lead to tooth damage. It can also cause the death of a tooth. Each tooth contains a layer called the pulp. The pulp is made up of blood vessels and nerves that keeps the tooth alive. When fixed braces are tightened, they apply forces to your teeth, causing mild inflammation that arises in this pulp layer. This reaction diminishes when the forces on the tooth have reduced in due course of time. This is one of the major side effects of braces. In a lot of cases, there may be excessive forces applied on a tooth or a few teeth that results in chronic inflammation of the pulp layer. This chronic inflammation can damage the pulp and result in a dead tooth.

Damaged Gums and Bone

So, we have established that the teeth move within the bone they are lodged in. This bone is covered by pink gums. While oral hygiene needs to be maintained in individuals without braces, the need for oral hygiene maintenance needs to increase in individuals with braces. This is because braces tend to accumulate more food particle and plaque on them. Not cleaning them in time or not doing so properly will result in gum disease known as gingivitis. If gingivitis is not treated in time, it can spread to the underlying bone tissues, which is responsible for keeping the tooth strongly anchored. If this situation occurs this will lead to the loosening of the tooth/teeth involved, infection, and pus discharge, etc., all of which can delay or hamper orthodontic treatment.

Top 4 Factors leading to Damaged Gums

The extent of damage to the gums and underlying bone depends on several factors such as:

  • Patient’s oral hygiene
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Habits such as smoking or tobacco chewing
  • Food routine of the patient.

Increased Cavities

Just like orthodontic treatment leads to side effects on the gums and bone, it also results in an increased risk of dental cavities. Poor oral hygiene is common in orthodontic patient which in turn leads to accumulation of food debris and plaque that contain bacteria on the teeth. These bacteria produce white demineralised spots which eventually lead to dental cavities if not spotted on time.

TMJ or the Jaw joint problems

TMJ or the Jaw joint is the joint that is responsible for biting, chewing, talking movements and that moves the lower jaw. One of the main causes of this jaw problem is the incorrect bite or alignment of the teeth inside the mouth. Though orthodontic treatment is responsible for the patient’s new teeth position, if the treatment is not done properly, it can aggravate the existing jaw problem or cause the TMJ to develop a new problem. TMJ problems can result in pain in the jaw or associated muscles, discomfort, difficulty in opening the mouth, difficulty in chewing, and much more.

Why don’t you come see us at Whites Dental for a consultation to discuss your options further?

Orthodontic braces & Invisalign in London Waterloo | Whites Dental

If you want to know more about braces or are considering getting them for yourself, why don’t you come see us for a free consultation? You will be able to discuss your options further with our dental team. For more information on orthodontic braces,

visit our orthodontics homepage – https://www.whitesdental.co.uk/orthodontist-teeth-straightening-london-waterloo/

At Whites Dental, we work with some of the best orthodontists and dental team in London. They will be able to assist you fixing your orthodontic issues.

Our orthodontists provide many treatments such as fixed braces, Invisalign, Damon braces, Fastbraces, Lingual braces and metal braces to patients around us in Central London. This page provides information on the side effects of braces.

We are based in London Waterloo, adjacent to Southwark Tube station and very close to London Waterloo rail station. We are a 6 to 8 minutes’ walk from Elephant and Castle tube station, London Bridge, Borough Market and a 4 to 5 minutes’ walk from Blackfriars station and Southbank.

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